Call process
Periodically, SMART organises a Call to submit R&D&I project proposals in the area of Advanced Manufacturing applications and technologies. The SMART call process is designed to be quick and efficient, 10 months from project idea to project approval, while at the same time maintaining a high quality standard.
Are you interested in launching an international project in Advanced Manufacturing?

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Two-stage Call process
The SMART Call Process follows a two-step approach,
Project Outline (PO)
The Project Outline (PO) provides a short overview of the concept, the objectives of the project and the partnership even if they are not entirely settled. This document allows early advice and feedback from the evaluation. This step is mandatory, but in exceptional cases participants may submit a Full Project Proposal straightforward.
Full Project Proposal (FPP)
The second step in the SMART evaluation procedure is, for projects that have been accepted at PO (Project Outline) level, to submit a Full Project Proposal (FPP). The FPP is an important document within SMART. It is used for the evaluation and labelling of new projects and it is also the basis for the reporting and monitoring procedure.ore you submit it to SMART.
Following the evaluation of the FPP, the Technical Committee will give its recommendations to the SMART Board, who in turn will decide to label the project.
With this SMART label, project participants can apply for funding in their respective countries.