The project aims to develop unique processes and equipment for implants based on sustainable atmospheric pressure (AP) low temperature plasma, for cleaning, functionalization, and improved adhesion with Hydroxyapatite (HA) on implants made of polymeric materials, ceramic, and metals. Ensuring the process and high cleaning levels to be achieved with higher repetition rate – without damaging the initial surface materials and structures. With a process that leads to increased quality with lower costs, reduced CO2 equivalents and less waste. The project will focus on Promimic’s patented and ultrathin nanosized crystalline HA coating. When used as a coating on implants, it accelerates the integration and biocompatibility. Surface chemistry and cleanliness of an implant is a crucial factor for its performance in vivo. Even small amounts of residues from the manufacturing process can cause adverse effects after implantation, and considerable effort is needed to guarantee highest standards of cleanliness. Increasing requirements for the compatibility of implants with tissue and bones as well as the need for sustainable production pose many challenges. Implants are currently functionalized using wet chemicals and thus cause high costs and amounts of waste. Key technological point for the project is to introduce hydrophilic surfaces on polymeric medical implants by AP plasma technology for improved HA coating adhesion without using wet chemical etching. A fine cleaning and functionalization AP plasma process that enables the Promimic HA coating on new polymeric materials will be developed, evaluated and demonstrated at Promimic lab. A high power / high intensity AP plasma prototype for cleaning with specially developed electrodes and nozzles designed for medical applications will also be developed and provided. This together with an innovative process with a combination of CO2 snow and AP plasma that will decrease the energy amount needed and to significantly reduce the amount of waste. A combination of inline quality control and the new process will open up the opportunity to produce high individualized implants at comparable costs due to the single piece flow ability of the overall process. Partners in the project are Research Institute of Sweden (RISE), Promimic, Agaria, Tigres and the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technologies and Materials Research (IFAM) A successful project is expected to deliver: Single piece flow process developed–> higher flexibility inside process line, faster production time for individualized implants at higher quality even for delicate materials as substrate Inline quality control possibility –> inline check for surface contaminations (check before / after treatment by optical inspection based systems), non touch systems Would highly impact on the market situation as it would offer an etch free process with a much higher sustainability level. The partners would benefit from the project through newly developed processes and equipment, being able to entering new markets and sectors, expand the business within Europe and the US, reach new customers and being able to contribute to and benefit from recent trends within orthopedic and dental implants. This in a phase where the medical implant business is in a strong expansion phase and are expecting an annual growth rate of 6,8% to 2032 through the increase in the world’s growing geriatric population.


  RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

Asa Lundevall


RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

Promimic AB

Agaria AB

Fraunhofer IFAM

Tigres Gmbh