The SolarARMS project represents a groundbreaking advance in renewable energy technology, with a laser focus on optimizing solar panel installations. This initiative is set to introduce an advanced autonomous robotic system, designed to significantly enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and safety of solar farm constructions. SolarARMS emerges from a strategic consortium of SMEs and research institutions across Europe, each bringing forth specialized expertise in mechanical design, software development, AI, and system integration. At the heart of SolarARMS is an all-terrain, all-wheel-drive outdoor mobile robot equipped with the latest LFP battery technology, ensuring longevity and environmental sustainability. The robotic system is fortified with a suite of sensors, precise navigational tools like GPS with RTK, and high-speed communication modules including LTE/5G capabilities. These technologies are seamlessly integrated through a robust software framework based on ROS2, with NVIDIA’s Isaac platform utilized for creating digital twins and conducting high-fidelity simulations. The project unfolds through a well-structured series of work packages, each meticulously planned to deliver specific components of the system. The work begins with rigorous market and technical analysis to ensure that the solution is tailor-made for the current and emerging needs of the solar energy sector. Subsequent packages handle the design and development of the robotic hardware and software, ensuring the system’s adaptability to diverse environmental conditions and operational demands. The communication protocols developed will ensure seamless interaction within the system components and secure data exchange with the operators. The project culminates in extensive testing and verification, providing the final stamp of reliability and safety for the field-deployable system. SolarARMS will transform solar panel installation and set a precedent for the future of construction in renewable energy landscapes. The project aligns with broader societal and industry objectives, contributing to a sustainable and equitable technological advancement. SolarARMS stands as a testament to the power of collaborative innovation, underscoring Europe’s role as a frontrunner in the global renewable energy domain.


  MND Izolasyon ve Teknoloji A.S.

Onur Keskin

MND Izolasyon ve Teknoloji A.S.

DevCom spol. s.r.o.

Ustav Teorie Informace a Automatizace AV CR, v.v.i.

Ciconia Systems GmbH

Clausthal University of Technology